value. quality care. convenience.

Susannah Smith, Ph.D.
Creative Team Consulting
Dr. Smith provides custody evaluations, parenting plans, and expert witness testimony. She has testified in family, civil, district, criminal and federal courts, in California, Colorado, Mississippi, and New York. She is also called upon to consult throughout a case, to perform case reviews, or instructional testimony on a particular issue. She provides mediation regarding parenting plans, child support and property division for divorcing couples. She has serviced as Parenting Coordinator and Decision Maker (PC/DM).

Custody Evaluations/ PRE
When parents or guardians are too far apart to reach agreement by any other means, a custody evaluation is often necessary. In Colorado, this is called a Parenting Responsibility Evaluation (PRE). The objective is to assist the Courts in making decision regarding the child's welfare and best interests.
Mediation/Parenting Plans
Mediation can range from very informal to formal. Issues raised in mediation may not be used in court if an agreement is not reached, thereby allowing all cards to be laid on the table for the most successful negotiations. Mediation may be between/among parties, and also may includes parties and their attorneys if desired and most helpful. Dr. Smith recommends that all parties consult with attorneys during/throughout mediation when appropriate, for their expertise and input, and to insure that each individual's needs are met.
Case Review/Consultation
Attorneys and clients may want a second opionion; additional information regarding a particular topic, such as relocation, attachment, etc.; or a review of an evaluation which has already been conducted. Dr. Smith provides these services with best practices in mind, and review of current research and literature on the difficult subject matter of domestic situations.